LUTE is publically available on GitHub. In order to run it, the first step is to clone the repository:
# Navigate to the directory of your choice.
The repository directory structure is as follows:
|--- config # Configuration YAML files (see below) and templates for third party config
|--- docs # Documentation (including this page)
|--- launch_scripts # Entry points for using SLURM and communicating with Airflow
|--- lute # Code
|--- # Script to run an individual managed Task
|--- ...
|--- utilities # Help utility programs
|--- workflows # This directory contains workflow definitions. It is synced elsewhere and not used directly.
In general, most interactions with the software will be through scripts located in the launch_scripts
directory. Some users (for certain use-cases) may also choose to run the
script directly - it's location has been highlighted within hierarchy. To begin with you will need a YAML file, templates for which are available in the config
directory. The structure of the YAML file and how to use the various launch scripts are described in more detail below.
A note on utilties
In the utilities
directory there are two useful programs to provide assistance with using the software:
: LUTE stores all parameters for every analysis routine it runs (as well as results) in a database. This database is stored in thework_dir
defined in the YAML file (see below). Thedbview
utility is a TUI application (Text-based user interface) which runs in the terminal. It allows you to navigate a LUTE database using the arrow keys, etc. Usage is:utilities/dbview -p <path/to/lute.db>
: This utility provides help and usage information for running LUTE software. E.g., it provides access to parameter descriptions to assist in properly filling out a configuration YAML. It's usage is described in slightly more detail below.
Basic Usage
LUTE runs code as Task
s that are managed by an Executor
. The Executor
provides modifications to the environment the Task
runs in, as well as controls details of inter-process communication, reporting results to the eLog, etc. Combinations of specific Executor
s and Task
s are already provided, and are referred to as managed Task
s. Managed Task
s are submitted as a single unit. They can be run individually, or a series of independent steps can be submitted all at once in the form of a workflow, or directed acyclic graph (DAG). This latter option makes use of Airflow to manage the individual execution steps.
Running analysis with LUTE is the process of submitting one or more managed Task
s. This is generally a two step process.
- First, a configuration YAML file is prepared. This contains the parameterizations of all the
s which you may run. - Individual managed
submission, or workflow (DAG) submission.
These two steps are described below.
Preparing a Configuration YAML
All Task
s are parameterized through a single configuration YAML file - even third party code which requires its own configuration files is managed through this YAML file. The basic structure is split into two documents, a brief header section which contains information that is applicable across all Task
s, such as the experiment name, run numbers and the working directory, followed by per Task
%YAML 1.3
title: "Some title."
experiment: "MYEXP123"
# run: 12 # Does not need to be provided
date: "2024/05/01"
lute_version: 0.1
task_timeout: 600
work_dir: "/sdf/scratch/users/d/dorlhiac"
param_a: 123
param_b: 456
sub_var: 3
sub_var2: 4
new_param1: 3
new_param2: 4
# ...
In the first document, the header, it is important that the work_dir
is properly specified. This is the root directory from which Task
outputs will be written, and the LUTE database will be stored. It may also be desirable to modify the task_timeout
parameter which defines the time limit for individual Task
jobs. By default it is set to 10 minutes, although this may not be sufficient for long running jobs. This value will be applied to all Task
s so should account for the longest running job you expect.
The actual analysis parameters are defined in the second document. As these vary from Task
to Task
, a full description will not be provided here. An actual template with real Task
parameters is available in config/test.yaml
. Your analysis POC can also help you set up and choose the correct Task
s to include as a starting point. The template YAML file has further descriptions of what each parameter does and how to fill it out. You can also refer to the lute_help
program described under the following sub-heading.
Some things to consider and possible points of confusion:
- While we will be submitting managed
s, the parameters are defined at theTask
level. I.e. the managedTask
itself have different names, and the names in the YAML refer to the latter. This is because a singleTask
can be run using differentExecutor
configurations, but using the same parameters. The list of managedTask
s is inlute/
. A table is also provided below for some routines of interest..
Managed Task |
The Task it Runs |
Task Description |
SmallDataProducer |
SubmitSMD |
Smalldata production |
CrystFELIndexer |
IndexCrystFEL |
Crystallographic indexing |
PartialatorMerger |
MergePartialator |
Crystallographic merging |
HKLComparer |
CompareHKL |
Crystallographic figures of merit |
HKLManipulator |
ManipulateHKL |
Crystallographic format conversions |
DimpleSolver |
DimpleSolve |
Crystallographic structure solution with molecular replacement |
PeakFinderPyAlgos |
FindPeaksPyAlgos |
Peak finding with PyAlgos algorithm. |
PeakFinderPsocake |
FindPeaksPsocake |
Peak finding with psocake algorithm. |
StreamFileConcatenator |
ConcatenateStreamFiles |
Stream file concatenation. |
How do I know what parameters are available, and what they do?
A summary of Task
parameters is available through the lute_help
> utilities/lute_help -t [TaskName]
Note, some parameters may say "Unknown description" - this either means they are using an old-style defintion that does not include parameter help, or they may have some internal use. In particular you will see this for lute_config
on every Task
, this parameter is filled in automatically and should be ignored. E.g. as an example:
> utilities/lute_help -t IndexCrystFEL
INFO:__main__:Fetching parameter information for IndexCrystFEL.
Parameters for CrystFEL's `indexamajig`.
There are many parameters, and many combinations. For more information on
usage, please refer to the CrystFEL documentation, here:
Required Parameters:
All Parameters:
highres (number)
Mark all pixels greater than `x` has bad.
profile (boolean) - Default: False
Display timing data to monitor performance.
temp_dir (string)
Specify a path for the temp files folder.
wait_for_file (integer) - Default: 0
Wait at most `x` seconds for a file to be created. A value of -1 means wait forever.
no_image_data (boolean) - Default: False
Load only the metadata, no iamges. Can check indexability without high data requirements.
Running Managed Task
s and Workflows (DAGs)
After a YAML file has been filled in you can run a Task
. There are multiple ways to submit a Task
, but there are 3 that are most likely:
- Run a single managed
interactively by runningpython ...
- Run a single managed
as a batch job (e.g. on S3DF) via a SLURM ...
- Run a DAG (workflow with multiple managed
These will be covered in turn below; however, in general all methods will require two parameters: the path to a configuration YAML file, and the name of the managed Task
or workflow you want to run. When submitting via SLURM or submitting an entire workflow there are additional parameters to control these processes.
Running single managed Task
s interactively
The simplest submission method is just to run Python interactively. In most cases this is not practical for long-running analysis, but may be of use for short Task
s or when debugging. From the root directory of the LUTE repository (or after installation) you can use the
> python -B [-O] -t <ManagedTaskName> -c </path/to/config/yaml>
The command-line arguments in square brackets []
are optional, while those in <>
must be provided:
is the flag controlling whether you run in debug or non-debug mode. By default, i.e. if you do NOT provide this flag you will run in debug mode which enables verbose printing. Passing-O
will turn off debug to minimize output.-t <ManagedTaskName>
is the name of the managedTask
you want to run.-c </path/...>
is the path to the configuration YAML.
Submitting a single managed Task
as a batch job
On S3DF you can also submit individual managed Task
s to run as batch jobs. To do so use launch_scripts/
> launch_scripts/ -t <ManagedTaskName> -c </path/to/config/yaml> [--debug] $SLURM_ARGS
As before command-line arguments in square brackets []
are optional, while those in <>
must be provided
-t <ManagedTaskName>
is the name of the managedTask
you want to run.-c </path/...>
is the path to the configuration YAML.--debug
is the flag to control whether or not to run in debug mode.
In addition to the LUTE-specific arguments, SLURM arguments must also be provided ($SLURM_ARGS
above). You can provide as many as you want; however you will need to at least provide:
- The queue to run on, in general for LCLS this ismilano
- The account to use for batch job accounting.
You will likely also want to provide at a minimum:
to control the number of cores in allocated.
In general, it is best to prefer the long-form of the SLURM-argument (--arg=<...>
) in order to avoid potential clashes with present or future LUTE arguments.
Workflow (DAG) submission
Finally, you can submit a full workflow (e.g. SFX analysis, smalldata production and summary results, geometry optimization...). This can be done using a single script,
, similarly to the SLURM submission above:
> launch_scripts/ /path/to/lute/launch_scripts/ -c </path/to/yaml.yaml> -w <dag_name> [--debug] [--test] $SLURM_ARGS
The submission process is slightly more complicated in this case. A more in-depth explanation is provided under "Airflow Launch Steps", in the advanced usage section below if interested. The parameters are as follows - as before command-line arguments in square brackets []
are optional, while those in <>
must be provided:
- The first argument (must be first) is the full path to the
script located in whatever LUTE installation you are running. All other arguments can come afterwards in any order. -c </path/...>
is the path to the configuration YAML to use.-w <dag_name>
is the name of the DAG (workflow) to run. This replaces the task name provided when using the other two methods above. A DAG list is provided below.--debug
controls whether to use debug mode (verbose printing)--test
controls whether to use the test or production instance of Airflow to manage the DAG. The instances are running identical versions of Airflow, but thetest
instance may have "test" or more bleeding edge development DAGs.
must be provided in the same manner as when submitting an individual managed Task
by hand to be run as batch job with the script above. Note that these parameters will be used as the starting point for the SLURM arguments of every managed Task
in the DAG; however, individual steps in the DAG may have overrides built-in where appropriate to make sure that step is not submitted with potentially incompatible arguments. For example, a single threaded analysis Task
may be capped to running on one core, even if in general everything should be running on 100 cores, per the SLURM argument provided. These caps are added during development and cannot be disabled through configuration changes in the YAML.
DAG List
DAG Submission from the eLog
You can use the script in the previous section to submit jobs through the eLog. To do so navigate to the Workflow > Definitions
tab using the blue navigation bar at the top of the eLog. On this tab, in the top-right corner (underneath the help and zoom icons) you can click the +
sign to add a new workflow. This will bring up a "Workflow definition" UI window. When filling out the eLog workflow definition the following fields are needed (all of them):
: You can name the workflow anything you like. It should probably be something descriptive, e.g. if you are using LUTE to run smalldata_tools, you may call the workflowlute_smd
: In this field you will put the full path to
: You will use the parameters as described above. Remember the first argument will be the full path to
script (this is NOT the same as the bash script used in the executable!):/full/path/to/lute/launch_scripts/ -c <path/to/yaml> -w <dag_name> [--debug] [--test] $SLURM_ARGS
: Be sure to set toS3DF
: You can have the workflow trigger automatically or manually. Which option to choose will depend on the type of workflow you are running. In general the optionsManually triggered
(which displays asMANUAL
on the definitions page) andEnd of a run
(which displays asEND_OF_RUN
on the definitions page) are safe options for ALL workflows. The latter will be automatically submitted for you when data acquisition has finished. If you are running a workflow with managedTask
s that work as data is being acquired (e.g.SmallDataProducer
), you may also selectStart of a run
(which displays asSTART_OF_RUN
on the definitions page).
Upon clicking create you will see a new entry in the table on the definitions page. In order to run MANUAL
workflows, or re-run automatic workflows, you must navigate to the Workflows > Control
tab. For each acquisition run you will find a drop down menu under the Job
column. To submit a workflow you select it from this drop down menu by the Name
you provided when creating its definition.
Advanced Usage
Variable Substitution in YAML Files
Using validator
s, it is possible to define (generally, default) model parameters for a Task
in terms of other parameters. It is also possible to use validated Pydantic model parameters to substitute values into a configuration file required to run a third party Task
(e.g. some Task
s may require their own JSON, TOML files, etc. to run properly). For more information on these types of substitutions, refer to the
documentation on Task
These types of substitutions, however, have a limitation in that they are not easily adapted at run time. They therefore address only a small number of the possible combinations in the dependencies between different input parameters. In order to support more complex relationships between parameters, variable substitutions can also be used in the configuration YAML itself. Using a syntax similar to Jinja
templates, you can define values for YAML parameters in terms of other parameters or environment variables. The values are substituted before Pydantic attempts to validate the configuration.
It is perhaps easiest to illustrate with an example. A test case is provided in config/test_var_subs.yaml
and is reproduced here:
%YAML 1.3
title: "Configuration to Test YAML Substitution"
experiment: "TestYAMLSubs"
run: 12
date: "2024/05/01"
lute_version: 0.1
task_timeout: 600
work_dir: "/sdf/scratch/users/d/dorlhiac"
useful_other_var: "USE ME!"
test_sub: "/path/to/{{ experiment }}/file_r{{ run:04d }}.input" # Substitute `experiment` and `run` from header above
test_env_sub: "/path/to/{{ $EXPERIMENT }}/file.input" # Substitute from the environment variable $EXPERIMENT
a: "outfile_{{ run }}_one.out" # Substitute `run` from header above
c: "outfile_{{ run }}_two.out" # Also substitute `run` from header above
d: "{{ OtherTask.useful_other_var }}" # Substitute `useful_other_var` from `OtherTask`
test_fmt: "{{ run:04d }}" # Subsitute `run` and format as 0012
test_env_fmt: "{{ $RUN:04d }}" # Substitute environment variable $RUN and pad to 4 w/ zeros
Input parameters in the config YAML can be substituted with either other input parameters or environment variables, with or without limited string formatting. All substitutions occur between double curly brackets: {{ VARIABLE_TO_SUBSTITUTE }}
. Environment variables are indicated by $
in front of the variable name. Parameters from the header, i.e. the first YAML document (top section) containing the run
, experiment
, version fields, etc. can be substituted without any qualification. If you want to use the run
parameter, you can substitute it using {{ run }}
. All other parameters, i.e. from other Task
s or within Task
s, must use a qualified name. Nested levels are delimited using a .
. E.g. consider a structure like:
a: 1
b: 2
c: 3
In order to use parameter c
, you would use {{ Task.param_set.c }}
as the substitution.
Take care when using substitutions! This process will not try to guess for you. When a substitution is not available, e.g. due to misspelling, one of two things will happen:
- If it was an environment variable that does not exist, no substitution will be performed, although a message will be printed. I.e. you will be left with
param: /my/failed/{{ $SUBSTITUTION }}
as your parameter. This may or may not fail the model validation step, but is likely not what you intended. - If it was an attempt at substituting another YAML parameter which does not exist, an exception will be thrown and the program will exit.
Defining your own parameters
The configuration file is not validated in its totality, only on a Task
basis, but it is read in its totality. E.g. when running MyTask
only that portion of the configuration is validated even though the entire file has been read, and is available for substitutions. As a result, it is safe to introduce extra entries into the YAML file, as long as they are not entered under a specific Task
's configuration. This may be useful to create your own global substitutions, for example if there is a key variable that may be used across different Task
E.g. Consider a case where you want to create a more generic configuration file where a single variable is used by multiple Task
s. This single variable may be changed between experiments, for instance, but is likely static for the duration of a single set of analyses. In order to avoid a mistake when changing the configuration between experiments you can define this special variable (or variables) as a separate entry in the YAML, and make use of substitutions in each Task
's configuration. This way the variable only needs to be changed in one place.
# Define our substitution. This is only for substitutiosns!
MY_SPECIAL_SUB: "EXPMT_DEPENDENT_VALUE" # Can change here once per experiment!
special_var: "{{ MY_SPECIAL_SUB }}"
var_1: 1
var_2: "a"
# ...
special_var: "{{ MY_SPECIAL_SUB }}"
var_3: "abcd"
var_4: 123
# ...
special_var: "{{ MY_SPECIAL_SUB }}"
# ... and so on
Order matters
While in general you can use parameters that appear later in a YAML document to substitute for values of parameters that appear earlier, the substitutions themselves will be performed in order of appearance. It is therefore NOT possible to correctly use a later parameter as a substitution for an earlier one, if the later one itself depends on a substitution. The YAML document, however, can be rearranged without error. The order in the YAML document has no effect on execution order which is determined purely by the workflow definition. As mentioned above, the document is not validated in its entirety so rearrangements are allowed. For example consider the following situation which produces an incorrect substitution:
%YAML 1.3
title: "Configuration to Test YAML Substitution"
experiment: "TestYAMLSubs"
run: 12
date: "2024/05/01"
lute_version: 0.1
task_timeout: 600
work_dir: "/sdf/data/lcls/ds/exp/experiment/scratch"
input_dir: "{{ RunTaskTwo.path }}" # Will incorrectly be "{{ work_dir }}/additional_path/{{ $RUN }}"
# ...
# Remember `work_dir` and `run` come from the header document and don't need to
# be qualified
path: "{{ work_dir }}/additional_path/{{ run }}"
This configuration can be rearranged to achieve the desired result:
%YAML 1.3
title: "Configuration to Test YAML Substitution"
experiment: "TestYAMLSubs"
run: 12
date: "2024/05/01"
lute_version: 0.1
task_timeout: 600
work_dir: "/sdf/data/lcls/ds/exp/experiment/scratch"
# Remember `work_dir` comes from the header document and doesn't need to be qualified
path: "{{ work_dir }}/additional_path/{{ run }}"
input_dir: "{{ RunTaskTwo.path }}" # Will now be /sdf/data/lcls/ds/exp/experiment/scratch/additional_path/12
# ...
On the otherhand, relationships such as these may point to inconsistencies in the dependencies between Task
s which may warrant a refactor.
Found unhashable key
To avoid YAML parsing issues when using the substitution syntax, be sure to quote your substitutions. Before substitution is performed, a dictionary is first constructed by the pyyaml
package which parses the document - it may fail to parse the document and raise an exception if the substitutions are not quoted.
var_sub: "{{ other_var:04d }}"
var_sub: {{ other_var:04d }}
During validation, Pydantic will by default cast variables if possible, because of this it is generally safe to use strings for substitutions. E.g. if your parameter is expecting an integer, and after substitution you pass "2"
, Pydantic will cast this to the int
, and validation will succeed. As part of the substitution process limited type casting will also be handled if it is necessary for any formatting strings provided. E.g. "{{ run:04d }}"
requires that run be an integer, so it will be treated as such in order to apply the formatting.
Debug Environment Variables
Special markers have been inserted at certain points in the execution flow for LUTE. These can be enabled by setting the environment variables detailed below. These are intended to allow developers to exit the program at certain points to investigate behaviour or a bug. For instance, when working on configuration parsing, an environment variable can be set which exits the program after passing this step. This allows you to run LUTE otherwise as normal (described above), without having to modify any additional code or insert your own early exits.
Types of debug markers:
: Will exit the program at this point if the corresponding environment variable has been set.
Developers can insert these markers as needed into their code to add new exit points, although as a rule of thumb they should be used sparingly, and generally only after major steps in the execution flow (e.g. after parsing, after beginning a task, after returning a result, etc.).
In order to include a new marker in your code:
from lute.execution.debug_utils import LUTE_DEBUG_EXIT
def my_code() -> None:
# ...
LUTE_DEBUG_EXIT("MYENVVAR", "Additional message to print")
# If MYENVVAR is not set, the above function does nothing
You can enable a marker by setting to 1, e.g. to enable the example marker above while running Tester
MYENVVAR=1 python -B -t Tester -c config/test.yaml
Currently used environment variables
: Exits the program after reading in a YAML configuration file and performing variable substitutions, but BEFORE Pydantic validation.LUTE_DEBUG_BEFORE_TPP_EXEC
: Exits the program after a ThirdPartyTask has prepared its submission command, but beforeexec
is used to run it.
Airflow Launch and DAG Execution Steps
The Airflow launch process actually involves a number of steps, and is rather complicated. There are two wrapper steps prior to getting to the actual Airflow API communication.
is run.- This script calls
with all the same parameters that it was called with. lute_launcher
runs thelaunch_scripts/
script which was provided as the first argument. This is the true launch
communicates with the Airflow API, requesting that a specific DAG be launched. It then continues to run, and gathers the individual logs and the exit status of each step of the DAG.- Airflow will then enter a loop of communication where it asks the JID to submit each step of the requested DAG as batch job using
There are some specific reasons for this complexity:
- The use of
as a thin-wrapper aroundlute_launcher
is to allow the true Airflow launch script to be a long-lived job. This is for compatibility with the eLog and the ARP. When run from the eLog as a workflow, the job submission process must occur within 30 seconds due to a timeout built-in to the system. This is fine when submitting jobs to run on the batch-nodes, as the submission to the queue takes very little time. So here,
serves as a thin script to havelute_launcher
run as a batch job. It can then run as a long-lived job (for the duration of the entire DAG) collecting log files all in one place. This allows the log for each stage of the Airflow DAG to be inspected in a single file, and through the eLog browser interface. - The use
as a wrapper
is to manage authentication and credentials.
script requires loading credentials in order to authenticate against the Airflow API. For the average user this is not possible, unless the script is run from within thelute_launcher