Integrating a New Task

Tasks can be broadly categorized into two types: - "First-party" - where the analysis or executed code is maintained within this library. - "Third-party" - where the analysis, code, or program is maintained elsewhere and is simply called by a wrapping Task.

Creating a new Task of either type generally involves the same steps, although for first-party Tasks, the analysis code must of course also be written. Due to this difference, as well as additional considerations for parameter handling when dealing with "third-party" Tasks, the "first-party" and "third-party" Task integration cases will be considered separately.

Creating a "Third-party" Task

There are two required steps for third-party Task integration, and one additional step which is optional, and may not be applicable to all possible third-party Tasks. Generally, Task integration requires: 1. Defining a TaskParameters (pydantic) model which fully parameterizes the Task. This involves specifying a path to a binary, and all the required command-line arguments to run the binary. 2. Creating a managed Task by specifying an Executor for the new third-party Task. At this stage, any additional environment variables can be added which are required for the execution environment. 3. (Optional/Maybe applicable) Create a template for a third-party configuration file. If the new Task has its own configuration file, specifying a template will allow that file to be parameterized from the singular LUTE yaml configuration file. A couple of minor additions to the pydantic model specified in 1. are required to support template usage.

Each of these stages will be discussed in detail below. The vast majority of the work is completed in step 1.

Specifying a TaskParameters Model for your Task

A brief overview of parameters objects will be provided below. The following information goes into detail only about specifics related to LUTE configuration. An in depth description of pydantic is beyond the scope of this tutorial; please refer to the official documentation for more information. Please note that due to environment constraints pydantic is currently pinned to version 1.10! Make sure to read the appropriate documentation for this version as many things are different compared to the newer releases. At the end this document there will be an example highlighting some supported behaviour as well as a FAQ to address some common integration considerations.

Tasks and TaskParameters

All Tasks have a corresponding TaskParameters object. These objects are linked exclusively by a named relationship. For a Task named MyThirdPartyTask, the parameters object must be named MyThirdPartyTaskParameters. For third-party Tasks there are a number of additional requirements: - The model must inherit from a base class called ThirdPartyParameters. - The model must have one field specified called executable. The presence of this field indicates that the Task is a third-party Task and the specified executable must be called. This allows all third-party Tasks to be defined exclusively by their parameters model. A single ThirdPartyTask class handles execution of all third-party Tasks.

All models are stored in lute/io/models. For any given Task, a new model can be added to an existing module contained in this directory or to a new module. If creating a new module, make sure to add an import statement to

Defining TaskParameters

When specifying parameters the default behaviour is to provide a one-to-one correspondance between the Python attribute specified in the parameter model, and the parameter specified on the command-line. Single-letter attributes are assumed to be passed using -, e.g. n will be passed as -n when the executable is launched. Longer attributes are passed using --, e.g. by default a model attribute named my_arg will be passed on the command-line as --my_arg. Positional arguments are specified using p_argX where X is a number. All parameters are passed in the order that they are specified in the model.

However, because the number of possible command-line combinations is large, relying on the default behaviour above is NOT recommended. It is provided solely as a fallback. Instead, there are a number of configuration knobs which can be tuned to achieve the desired behaviour. The two main mechanisms for controlling behaviour are specification of model-wide configuration under the Config class within the model's definition, and parameter-by-parameter configuration using field attributes. For the latter, we define all parameters as Field objects. This allows parameters to have their own attributes, which are parsed by LUTE's task-layer. Given this, the preferred starting template for a TaskParameters model is the following - we assume we are integrating a new Task called RunTask:

from pydantic import Field, validator
# Also include any pydantic type specifications - Pydantic has many custom
# validation types already, e.g. types for constrained numberic values, URL handling, etc.

from .base import ThirdPartyParameters

# Change class name as necessary
class RunTaskParameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    """Parameters for RunTask..."""

    class Config(ThirdPartyParameters.Config): # MUST be exactly as written here.
        # Model-wide configuration will go here

    executable: str = Field("/path/to/executable", description="...")
    # Additional params.
    # param1: param1Type = Field("default", description="", ...)

Config settings and options Under the class definition for Config in the model, we can modify global options for all the parameters. In addition, there are a number of configuration options related to specifying what the outputs/results from the associated Task are, and a number of options to modify runtime behaviour. Currently, the available configuration options are:

Config Parameter Meaning Default Value ThirdPartyTask-specific?
run_directory If provided, can be used to specify the directory from which a Task is run. None (not provided) NO
set_result bool. If True search the model definition for a parameter that indicates what the result is. False NO
result_from_params If set_result is True can define a result using this option and a validator. See also is_result below. None (not provided) NO
short_flags_use_eq Use equals sign instead of space for arguments of - parameters. False YES - Only affects ThirdPartyTasks
long_flags_use_eq Use equals sign instead of space for arguments of - parameters. False YES - Only affects ThirdPartyTasks

These configuration options modify how the parameter models are parsed and passed along on the command-line, as well as what we consider results and where a Task can run. The default behaviour is that parameters are assumed to be passed as -p arg and --param arg, the Task will be run in the current working directory (or scratch if submitted with the ARP), and we have no information about Task results . Setting the above options can modify this behaviour.

  • By setting short_flags_use_eq and/or long_flags_use_eq to True parameters are instead passed as -p=arg and --param=arg.
  • By setting run_directory to a valid path, we can force a Task to be run in a specific directory. By default the Task will be run from the directory you submit the job in, or from your scratch folder (/sdf/scratch/...) if you submit from the eLog. Some ThirdPartyTasks rely on searching the correct working directory in order run properly.
  • By setting set_result to True we indicate that the TaskParameters model will provide information on what the TaskResult is. This setting must be used with one of two options, either the result_from_params Config option, described below, or the Field attribute is_result described in the next sub-section (Field Attributes).
  • result_from_params is a Config option that can be used when set_result==True. In conjunction with a validator (described a sections down) we can use this option to specify a result from all the information contained in the model. E.g. if you have a Task that has parameters for an output_directory and a output_filename, you can set result_from_params==f"{output_directory}/{output_filename}".

Field attributes In addition to the global configuration options there are a couple of ways to specify individual parameters. The following Field attributes are used when parsing the model:

Field Attribute Meaning Default Value Example
flag_type Specify the type of flag for passing this argument. One of "-", "--", or "" N/A p_arg1 = Field(..., flag_type="")
rename_param Change the name of the parameter as passed on the command-line. N/A my_arg = Field(..., rename_param="my-arg")
description Documentation of the parameter's usage or purpose. N/A arg = Field(..., description="Argument for...")
is_result bool. If the set_result Config option is True, we can set this to True to indicate a result. N/A output_result = Field(..., is_result=true)

The flag_type attribute allows us to specify whether the parameter corresponds to a positional ("") command line argument, requires a single hyphen ("-"), or a double hyphen ("--"). By default, the parameter name is passed as-is on the command-line. However, command-line arguments can have characters which would not be valid in Python variable names. In particular, hyphens are frequently used. To handle this case, the rename_param attribute can be used to specify an alternative spelling of the parameter when it is passed on the command-line. This also allows for using more descriptive variable names internally than those used on the command-line. A description can also be provided for each Field to document the usage and purpose of that particular parameter.

As an example, we can again consider defining a model for a RunTask Task. Consider an executable which would normally be called from the command-line as follows:

/sdf/group/lcls/ds/tools/runtask -n <nthreads> --method=<algorithm> -p <algo_param> [--debug]

A model specification for this Task may look like:

class RunTaskParameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    """Parameters for the runtask binary."""

    class Config(ThirdPartyParameters.Config):
        long_flags_use_eq: bool = True  # For the --method parameter

    # Prefer using full/absolute paths where possible.
    # No flag_type needed for this field
    executable: str = Field(
        "/sdf/group/lcls/ds/tools/runtask", description="Runtask Binary v1.0"

    # We can provide a more descriptive name for -n
    # Let's assume it's a number of threads, or processes, etc.
    num_threads: int = Field(
        1, description="Number of concurrent threads.", flag_type="-", rename_param="n"

    # In this case we will use the Python variable name directly when passing
    # the parameter on the command-line
    method: str = Field("algo1", description="Algorithm to use.", flag_type="--")

    # For an actual parameter we would probably have a better name. Lets assume
    # This parameter (-p) modifies the behaviour of the method above.
    method_param1: int = Field(
        3, description="Modify method performance.", flag_type="-", rename_param="p"

    # Boolean flags are only passed when True! `--debug` is an optional parameter
    # which is not followed by any arguments.
    debug: bool = Field(
        False, description="Whether to run in debug mode.", flag_type="--"

The is_result attribute allows us to specify whether the corresponding Field points to the output/result of the associated Task. Consider a Task, RunTask2 which writes its output to a single file which is passed as a parameter.

class RunTask2Parameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    """Parameters for the runtask2 binary."""

    class Config(ThirdPartyParameters.Config):
        set_result: bool = True                     # This must be set here!
        # result_from_params: Optional[str] = None  # We can use this for more complex result setups (see below). Ignore for now.

    # Prefer using full/absolute paths where possible.
    # No flag_type needed for this field
    executable: str = Field(
        "/sdf/group/lcls/ds/tools/runtask2", description="Runtask Binary v2.0"

    # Lets assume we take one input and write one output file
    # We will not provide a default value, so this parameter MUST be provided
    input: str = Field(
        description="Path to input file.", flag_type="--"

    # We will also not provide a default for the output
    # BUT, we will specify that whatever is provided is the result
    output: str = Field(
        description="Path to write output to.",
        is_result=True,   # This means this parameter points to the result!

Additional Comments 1. Model parameters of type bool are not passed with an argument and are only passed when True. This is a common use-case for boolean flags which enable things like test or debug modes, verbosity or reporting features. E.g. --debug, --test, --verbose, etc. - If you need to pass the literal words "True" or "False", use a parameter of type str. 2. You can use pydantic types to constrain parameters beyond the basic Python types. E.g. conint can be used to define lower and upper bounds for an integer. There are also types for common categories, positive/negative numbers, paths, URLs, IP addresses, etc. - Even more custom behaviour can be achieved with validators (see below). 3. All TaskParameters objects and its subclasses have access to a lute_config parameter, which is of type This special parameter is ignored when constructing the call for a binary task, but it provides access to shared/common parameters between tasks. For example, the following parameters are available through the lute_config object, and may be of use when constructing validators. All fields can be accessed with . notation. E.g. lute_config.experiment. - title: A user provided title/description of the analysis. - experiment: The current experiment name - run: The current acquisition run number - date: The date of the experiment or the analysis. - lute_version: The version of the software you are running. - task_timeout: How long a Task can run before it is killed. - work_dir: The main working directory for LUTE. Files and the database are created relative to this directory. This is separate from the run_directory config option. LUTE will write files to the work directory by default; however, the Task itself is run from run_directory if it is specified.

Validators Pydantic uses validators to determine whether a value for a specific field is appropriate. There are default validators for all the standard library types and the types specified within the pydantic package; however, it is straightforward to define custom ones as well. In the template code-snippet above we imported the validator decorator. To create our own validator we define a method (with any name) with the following prototype, and decorate it with the validator decorator:

def my_custom_validator(cls, field: Any, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any: ...

In this snippet, the field variable corresponds to the value for the specific field we want to validate. values is a dictionary of fields and their values which have been parsed prior to the current field. This means you can validate the value of a parameter based on the values provided for other parameters. Since pydantic always validates the fields in the order they are defined in the model, fields dependent on other fields should come later in the definition.

For example, consider the method_param1 field defined above for RunTask. We can provide a custom validator which changes the default value for this field depending on what type of algorithm is specified for the --method option. We will also constrain the options for method to two specific strings.

from pydantic import Field, validator, ValidationError, root_validator
class RunTaskParameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    """Parameters for the runtask binary."""

    # [...]

    # In this case we will use the Python variable name directly when passing
    # the parameter on the command-line
    method: str = Field("algo1", description="Algorithm to use.", flag_type="--")

    # For an actual parameter we would probably have a better name. Lets assume
    # This parameter (-p) modifies the behaviour of the method above.
    method_param1: Optional[int] = Field(
        description="Modify method performance.", flag_type="-", rename_param="p"

    # We will only allow method to take on one of two values
    def validate_method(cls, method: str, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        """Method validator: --method can be algo1 or algo2."""

        valid_methods: List[str] = ["algo1", "algo2"]
        if method not in valid_methods:
            raise ValueError("method must be algo1 or algo2")
        return method

    # Lets change the default value of `method_param1` depending on `method`
    # NOTE: We didn't provide a default value to the Field above and made it
    # optional. We can use this to test whether someone is purposefully
    # overriding the value of it, and if not, set the default ourselves.
    # We set `always=True` since pydantic will normally not use the validator
    # if the default is not changed
    @validator("method_param1", always=True)
    def validate_method_param1(cls, param1: Optional[int], values: Dict[str, Any]) -> int:
        """method param1 validator"""

        # If someone actively defined it, lets just return that value
        # We could instead do some additional validation to make sure that the
        # value they provided is valid...
        if param1 is not None:
            return param1

        # method_param1 comes after method, so this will be defined, or an error
        # would have been raised.
        method: str = values['method']
        if method == "algo1":
            return 3
        elif method == "algo2":
            return 5

The special root_validator(pre=False) can also be used to provide validation of the model as a whole. This is also the recommended method for specifying a result (using result_from_params) which has a complex dependence on the parameters of the model. This latter use-case is described in FAQ 2 below.


  1. How can I specify a default value which depends on another parameter?

Use a custom validator. The example above shows how to do this. The parameter that depends on another parameter must come LATER in the model defintion than the independent parameter.

  1. My TaskResult is determinable from the parameters model, but it isn't easily specified by one parameter. How can I use result_from_params to indicate the result?

When a result can be identified from the set of parameters defined in a TaskParameters model, but is not as straightforward as saying it is equivalent to one of the parameters alone, we can set result_from_params using a custom validator. In the example below, we have two parameters which together determine what the result is, output_dir and out_name. Using a validator we will define a result from these two values.

from pydantic import Field, root_validator

class RunTask3Parameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    """Parameters for the runtask3 binary."""

    class Config(ThirdPartyParameters.Config):
        set_result: bool = True       # This must be set here!
        result_from_params: str = ""  # We will set this momentarily

    # [...] executable, other params, etc.

    output_dir: str = Field(
        description="Directory to write output to.",

    out_name: str = Field(
        description="The name of the final output file.",

    # We can still provide other validators as needed
    # But for now, we just set result_from_params
    # Validator name can be anything, we set pre=False so this runs at the end
    def define_result(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        # Extract the values of output_dir and out_name
        output_dir: str = values["output_dir"]
        out_name: str = values["out_name"]

        result: str = f"{output_dir}/{out_name}"
        # Now we set result_from_params
        cls.Config.result_from_params = result

        # We haven't modified any other values, but we MUST return this!
        return values
  1. My new Task depends on the output of a previous Task, how can I specify this dependency? Parameters used to run a Task are recorded in a database for every Task. It is also recorded whether or not the execution of that specific parameter set was successful. A utility function is provided to access the most recent values from the database for a specific parameter of a specific Task. It can also be used to specify whether unsuccessful Tasks should be included in the query. This utility can be used within a validator to specify dependencies. For example, suppose the input of RunTask2 (parameter input) depends on the output location of RunTask1 (parameter outfile). A validator of the following type can be used to retrieve the output file and make it the default value of the input parameter.
from pydantic import Field, validator

from .base import ThirdPartyParameters
from ..db import read_latest_db_entry

class RunTask2Parameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    input: str = Field("", description="Input file.", flag_type="--")

    def validate_input(cls, input: str, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        if input == "":
            task1_out: Optional[str] = read_latest_db_entry(
                f"{values['lute_config'].work_dir}",  # Working directory. We search for the database here.
                "RunTask1",                           # Name of Task we want to look up
                "outfile",                            # Name of parameter of the Task
                valid_only=True,                      # We only want valid output files.
            # read_latest_db_entry returns None if nothing is found
            if task1_out is not None:
                return task1_out
        return input

There are more examples of this pattern spread throughout the various Task models.

Specifying an Executor: Creating a runnable, "managed Task"


After a pydantic model has been created, the next required step is to define a managed Task. In the context of this library, a managed Task refers to the combination of an Executor and a Task to run. The Executor manages the process of Task submission and the execution environment, as well as performing an logging, eLog communication, etc. There are currently two types of Executor to choose from. For most cases you will use the first option for third-party Tasks.

  1. Executor: This is the standard Executor and sufficient for most third-party uses cases.
  2. MPIExecutor: This performs all the same types of operations as the option above; however, it will submit your Task using MPI.
  3. The MPIExecutor will submit the Task using the number of available cores - 1. The number of cores is determined from the physical core/thread count on your local machine, or the number of cores allocated by SLURM when submitting on the batch nodes.

As mentioned, for most cases you can setup a third-party Task to use the first type of Executor. If, however, your third-party Task uses MPI, you can use either. When using the standard Executor for a Task requiring MPI, the executable in the pydantic model must be set to mpirun. For example, a third-party Task model, that uses MPI but can be run with the Executor may look like the following. We assume this Task runs a Python script using MPI.

class RunMPITaskParameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    class Config(ThirdPartyParameters.Config):

    executable: str = Field("mpirun", description="MPI executable")
    np: PositiveInt = Field(
        max(int(os.environ.get("SLURM_NPROCS", len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)))) - 1, 1),
        description="Number of processes",
    pos_arg: str = Field("python", description="Python...", flag_type="")
    script: str = Field("", description="Python script to run with MPI", flag_type="")

Selecting the Executor

After deciding on which Executor to use, a single line must be added to the lute/ module:

# Initialization: Executor("TaskName")
TaskRunner: Executor = Executor("SubmitTask")
# TaskRunner: MPIExecutor = MPIExecutor("SubmitTask") ## If using the MPIExecutor

In an attempt to make it easier to discern whether discussing a Task or managed Task, the standard naming convention is that the Task (class name) will have a verb in the name, e.g. RunTask, SubmitTask. The corresponding managed Task will use a related noun, e.g. TaskRunner, TaskSubmitter, etc.

As a reminder, the Task name is the first part of the class name of the pydantic model, without the Parameters suffix. This name must match. E.g. if your pydantic model's class name is RunTaskParameters, the Task name is RunTask, and this is the string passed to the Executor initializer.

Modifying the environment

If your third-party Task can run in the standard psana environment with no further configuration files, the setup process is now complete and your Task can be run within the LUTE framework. If on the other hand your Task requires some changes to the environment, this is managed through the Executor. There are a couple principle methods that the Executor has to change the environment.

  1. Executor.update_environment: if you only need to add a few environment variables, or update the PATH this is the method to use. The method takes a Dict[str, str] as input. Any variables can be passed/defined using this method. By default, any variables in the dictionary will overwrite those variable definitions in the current environment if they are already present, except for the variable PATH. By default PATH entries in the dictionary are prepended to the current PATH available in the environment the Executor runs in (the standard psana environment). This behaviour can be changed to either append, or overwrite the PATH entirely by an optional second argument to the method.
  2. Executor.shell_source: This method will source a shell script which can perform numerous modifications of the environment (PATH changes, new environment variables, conda environments, etc.). The method takes a str which is the path to a shell script to source.

As an example, we will update the PATH of one Task and source a script for a second.

TaskRunner: Executor = Executor("RunTask")
# update_environment(env: Dict[str,str], update_path: str = "prepend") # "append" or "overwrite"
    { "PATH": "/sdf/group/lcls/ds/tools" }  # This entry will be prepended to the PATH available after sourcing ``

Task2Runner: Executor = Executor("RunTask2")
Task2Runner.shell_source("/sdf/group/lcls/ds/tools/") # Will source script

Using templates: managing third-party configuration files

Some third-party executables will require their own configuration files. These are often separate JSON or YAML files, although they can also be bash or Python scripts which are intended to be edited. Since LUTE requires its own configuration YAML file, it attempts to handle these cases by using Jinja templates. When wrapping a third-party task a template can also be provided - with small modifications to the Task's pydantic model, LUTE can process special types of parameters to render them in the template. LUTE offloads all the template rendering to Jinja, making the required additions to the pydantic model small. On the other hand, it does require understanding the Jinja syntax, and the provision of a well-formatted template, to properly parse parameters. Some basic examples of this syntax will be shown below; however, it is recommended that the Task implementer refer to the official Jinja documentation for more information.

LUTE provides two additional base models which are used for template parsing in conjunction with the primary Task model. These are: - TemplateParameters objects which hold parameters which will be used to render a portion of a template. - TemplateConfig objects which hold two strings: the name of the template file to use and the full path (including filename) of where to output the rendered result.

Task models which inherit from the ThirdPartyParameters model, as all third-party Tasks should, allow for extra arguments. LUTE will parse any extra arguments provided in the configuration YAML as TemplateParameters objects automatically, which means that they do not need to be explicitly added to the pydantic model (although they can be). As such the only requirement on the Python-side when adding template rendering functionality to the Task is the addition of one parameter - an instance of TemplateConfig. The instance MUST be called lute_template_cfg.

from pydantic import Field, validator

from .base import TemplateConfig

class RunTaskParamaters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    # This parameter MUST be called lute_template_cfg!
    lute_template_cfg: TemplateConfig = Field(
        description="Template rendering configuration",

LUTE looks for the template in config/templates, so only the name of the template file to use within that directory is required for the template_name attribute of lute_template_cfg. LUTE can write the output anywhere (the user has permissions), and with any name, so the full absolute path including filename should be used for the output_path of lute_template_cfg.

The rest of the work is done by the combination of Jinja, LUTE's configuration YAML file, and the template itself. Understanding the interplay between these components is perhaps best illustrated by an example. As such, let us consider a simple third-party Task whose only input parameter (on the command-line) is the location of a configuration JSON file. We'll call the third-party executable jsonuser and our Task model, the RunJsonUserParameters. We assume the program is run like:

jsonuser -i <input_file.json>

The first step is to setup the pydantic model as before.

from pydantic import Field, validator

from .base import TemplateConfig

class RunJsonUserParameters:
    executable: str = Field(
        "/path/to/jsonuser", description="Executable which requires a JSON configuration file."
    # Lets assume the JSON file is passed as "-i <path_to_json>"
    input_json: str = Field(
        "", description="Path to the input JSON file.", flag_type="-", rename_param="i"

The next step is to create a template for the JSON file. Let's assume the JSON file looks like:

    "param1": "arg1",
    "param2": 4,
    "param3": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": 2
    "param4": [

Any, or all of these values can be substituted for, and we can determine the way in which we will provide them. I.e. a substitution can be provided for each variable individually, or, for example for a nested hierarchy, a dictionary can be provided which will substitute all the items at once. For this simple case, let's provide variables for param1, param2, param3.b and assume that we want the first and second entries for param4 to be identical for our use case (i.e., we can use one variable for them both. In total, this means we will perform 5 substitutions using 4 variables. Jinja will substitute a variable anywhere it sees the following syntax, {{ variable_name }}. As such a valid template for our use-case may look like:

    "param1": {{ str_var }},
    "param2": {{ int_var }},
    "param3": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": {{ p3_b }}
    "param4": [
        {{ val }},
        {{ val }},

We save this file as jsonuser.json in config/templates. Next, we will update the original pydantic model to include our template configuration. We still have an issue, however, in that we need to decide where to write the output of the template to. In this case, we can use the input_json parameter. We will assume that the user will provide this, although a default value can also be used. A custom validator will be added so that we can take the input_json value and update the value of lute_template_cfg.output_path with it.

# from typing import Optional

from pydantic import Field, validator

from .base import TemplateConfig #, TemplateParameters

class RunJsonUserParameters:
    executable: str = Field(
        "jsonuser", description="Executable which requires a JSON configuration file."
    # Lets assume the JSON file is passed as "-i <path_to_json>"
    input_json: str = Field(
        "", description="Path to the input JSON file.", flag_type="-", rename_param="i"
    # Add template configuration! *MUST* be called `lute_template_cfg`
    lute_template_cfg: TemplateConfig = Field(
            template_name="jsonuser.json", # Only the name of the file here.
        description="Template rendering configuration",
    # We do not need to include these TemplateParameters, they will be added
    # automatically if provided in the YAML
    #str_var: Optional[TemplateParameters]
    #int_var: Optional[TemplateParameters]
    #p3_b: Optional[TemplateParameters]
    #val: Optional[TemplateParameters]

    # Tell LUTE to write the rendered template to the location provided with
    # `input_json`. I.e. update `lute_template_cfg.output_path`
    @validator("lute_template_cfg", always=True)
    def update_output_path(
        cls, lute_template_cfg: TemplateConfig, values: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> TemplateConfig:
        if lute_template_cfg.output_path == "":
            lute_template_cfg.output_path = values["input_json"]
        return lute_template_cfg

All that is left to render the template, is to provide the variables we want to substitute in the LUTE configuration YAML. In our case we must provide the 4 variable names we included within the substitution syntax ({{ var_name }}). The names in the YAML must match those in the template.

    input_json: "/my/chosen/path.json" # We'll come back to this...
    str_var: "arg1" # Will substitute for "param1": "arg1"
    int_var: 4 # Will substitute for "param2": 4
    p3_b: 2  # Will substitute for "param3: { "b": 2 }
    val: 2 # Will substitute for "param4": [2, 2, 3] in the JSON

If on the other hand, a user were to have an already valid JSON file, it is possible to turn off the template rendering. (ALL) Template variables (TemplateParameters) are simply excluded from the configuration YAML.

    input_json: "/path/to/existing.json"
    #str_var: ...

Additional Jinja Syntax

There are many other syntactical constructions we can use with Jinja. Some of the useful ones are:

If Statements - E.g. only include portions of the template if a value is defined.

{% if VARNAME is defined %}
// Stuff to include
{% endif %}

Loops - E.g. Unpacking multiple elements from a dictionary.

{% for name, value in VARNAME.items() %}
// Do stuff with name and value
{% endfor %}

Creating a "First-Party" Task

The process for creating a "First-Party" Task is very similar to that for a "Third-Party" Task, with the difference being that you must also write the analysis code. The steps for integration are: 1. Write the TaskParameters model. 2. Write the Task class. There are a few rules that need to be adhered to. 3. Make your Task available by modifying the import function. 4. Specify an Executor

Specifying a TaskParameters Model for your Task

Parameter models have a format that must be followed for "Third-Party" Tasks, but "First-Party" Tasks have a little more liberty in how parameters are dealt with, since the Task will do all the parsing itself.

To create a model, the basic steps are: 1. If necessary, create a new module (e.g. under, or find an appropriate pre-existing module in that directory. - An import statement must be added to if a new module is created, so it can be found. - If defining the model in a pre-existing module, make sure to modify the __all__ statement to include it. 2. Create a new model that inherits from TaskParameters. You can look at for an example. The model must be named <YourTaskName>Parameters - You should include all relevant parameters here, including input file, output file, and any potentially adjustable parameters. These parameters must be included even if there are some implicit dependencies between Tasks and it would make sense for the parameter to be auto-populated based on some other output. Creating this dependency is done with validators (see step 3.). All parameters should be overridable, and all Tasks should be fully-independently configurable, based solely on their model and the configuration YAML. - To follow the preferred format, parameters should be defined as: param_name: type = Field([default value], description="This parameter does X.") 3. Use validators to do more complex things for your parameters, including populating default values dynamically: - E.g. create default values that depend on other parameters in the model - see for example: SubmitSMDParameters. - E.g. create default values that depend on other Tasks by reading from the database - see for example: TestReadOutputParameters. 4. The model will have access to some general configuration values by inheriting from TaskParameters. These parameters are all stored in lute_config which is an instance of AnalysisHeader (defined here). - For example, the experiment and run number can be obtained from this object and a validator could use these values to define the default input file for the Task.

A number of configuration options and Field attributes are also available for "First-Party" Task models. These are identical to those used for the ThirdPartyTasks, although there is a smaller selection. These options are reproduced below for convenience.

Config settings and options Under the class definition for Config in the model, we can modify global options for all the parameters. In addition, there are a number of configuration options related to specifying what the outputs/results from the associated Task are, and a number of options to modify runtime behaviour. Currently, the available configuration options are:

Config Parameter Meaning Default Value ThirdPartyTask-specific?
run_directory If provided, can be used to specify the directory from which a Task is run. None (not provided) NO
set_result bool. If True search the model definition for a parameter that indicates what the result is. False NO
result_from_params If set_result is True can define a result using this option and a validator. See also is_result below. None (not provided) NO
short_flags_use_eq Use equals sign instead of space for arguments of - parameters. False YES - Only affects ThirdPartyTasks
long_flags_use_eq Use equals sign instead of space for arguments of - parameters. False YES - Only affects ThirdPartyTasks

These configuration options modify how the parameter models are parsed and passed along on the command-line, as well as what we consider results and where a Task can run. The default behaviour is that parameters are assumed to be passed as -p arg and --param arg, the Task will be run in the current working directory (or scratch if submitted with the ARP), and we have no information about Task results . Setting the above options can modify this behaviour.

  • By setting short_flags_use_eq and/or long_flags_use_eq to True parameters are instead passed as -p=arg and --param=arg.
  • By setting run_directory to a valid path, we can force a Task to be run in a specific directory. By default the Task will be run from the directory you submit the job in, or from your scratch folder (/sdf/scratch/...) if you submit from the eLog. Some ThirdPartyTasks rely on searching the correct working directory in order run properly.
  • By setting set_result to True we indicate that the TaskParameters model will provide information on what the TaskResult is. This setting must be used with one of two options, either the result_from_params Config option, described below, or the Field attribute is_result described in the next sub-section (Field Attributes).
  • result_from_params is a Config option that can be used when set_result==True. In conjunction with a validator (described a sections down) we can use this option to specify a result from all the information contained in the model. E.g. if you have a Task that has parameters for an output_directory and a output_filename, you can set result_from_params==f"{output_directory}/{output_filename}".

Field attributes In addition to the global configuration options there are a couple of ways to specify individual parameters. The following Field attributes are used when parsing the model:

Field Attribute Meaning Default Value Example
description Documentation of the parameter's usage or purpose. N/A arg = Field(..., description="Argument for...")
is_result bool. If the set_result Config option is True, we can set this to True to indicate a result. N/A output_result = Field(..., is_result=true)

Writing the Task

You can write your analysis code (or whatever code to be executed) as long as it adheres to the limited rules below. You can create a new module for your Task in lute.tasks or add it to any existing module, if it makes sense for it to belong there. The Task itself is a single class constructed as: 1. Your analysis Task is a class named in a way that matches its Pydantic model. E.g. RunTask is the Task, and RunTaskParameters is the Pydantic model. 2. The class must inherit from the Task class (see template below). 3. You must provide an implementation of a _run method. This is the method that will be executed when the Task is run. You can in addition write as many methods as you need. For fine-grained execution control you can also provide _pre_run() and _post_run() methods, but this is optional. 4. For all communication (including print statements) you should use the _report_to_executor(msg: Message) method. Since the Task is run as a subprocess this method will pass information to the controlling Executor. You can pass any type of object using this method, strings, plots, arrays, etc. 5. If you did not use the set_result configuration option in your parameters model, make sure to provide a result when finished. This is done by setting self._result.payload = .... You can set the result to be any object. If you have written the result to a file, for example, please provide a path.

A minimal template is provided below.

"""Standard docstring..."""

__all__ = ["RunTask"]
__author__ = "" # Please include so we know who the SME is

# Include any imports you need here

from lute.execution.ipc import Message # Message for communication
from import *      # For TaskParameters
from lute.tasks.task import *          # For Task

class RunTask(Task): # Inherit from Task
    """Task description goes here, or in __init__"""

    def __init__(self, *, params: TaskParameters) -> None:
        super().__init__(params=params) # Sets up Task, parameters, etc.
        # Parameters will be available through:
          # self._task_parameters
          # You access with . operator: self._task_parameters.param1, etc.
        # Your result object is availble through:
          # self._result
            # self._result.payload <- Main result
            # self._result.summary <- Short summary
            # self._result.task_status <- Semi-automatic, but can be set manually

    def _run(self) -> None:

    def do_my_analysis(self) -> None:
        # Send a message, proper way to print:
        msg: Message(contents="My message contents", signal="")

        # When done, set result - assume we wrote a file, e.g.
        self._result.payload = "/path/to/output_file.h5"
        # Optionally also set status - good practice but not obligatory
        self._result.task_status = TaskStatus.COMPLETED

Signals in Message objects are strings and can be one of the following:

LUTE_SIGNALS: Set[str] = {

Each of these signals is associated with a hook on the Executor-side. They are for the most part used by base classes; however, you can choose to make use of them manually as well.

Making your Task available

Once the Task has been written, it needs to be made available for import. Since different Tasks can have conflicting dependencies and environments, this is managed through an import function. When the Task is done, or ready for testing, a condition is added to lute.tasks.__init__.import_task. For example, assume the Task is called RunXASAnalysis and it's defined in a module called, we would add the following lines to the import_task function:

# in lute.tasks.__init__

# ...

def import_task(task_name: str) -> Type[Task]:
    # ...
    if task_name == "RunXASAnalysis":
        from .xas import RunXASAnalysis

        return RunXASAnalysis

Defining an Executor

The process of Executor definition is identical to the process as described for ThirdPartyTasks above.