Classes for describing Task state and results.


Name Description

Output of a specific analysis task.


Enumeration of possible Task statuses (running, pending, failed, etc.).


Executor's description of a Task run (results, parameters, env).

DescribedAnalysis dataclass

Complete analysis description. Held by an Executor.

Source code in lute/tasks/
class DescribedAnalysis:
    """Complete analysis description. Held by an Executor."""

    task_result: TaskResult
    task_parameters: Optional[TaskParameters]
    task_env: Dict[str, str]
    poll_interval: float
    communicator_desc: List[str]

ElogSummaryPlots dataclass

Holds a graphical summary intended for display in the eLog.

  • display_name (str) –

    This represents both a path and how the result will be displayed in the eLog. Can include "/" characters. E.g. display_name = "scans/my_motor_scan" will have plots shown on a "my_motor_scan" page, under a "scans" tab. This format mirrors how the file is stored on disk as well.

Source code in lute/tasks/
class ElogSummaryPlots:
    """Holds a graphical summary intended for display in the eLog.

        display_name (str): This represents both a path and how the result will be
            displayed in the eLog. Can include "/" characters. E.g.
            `display_name = "scans/my_motor_scan"` will have plots shown
            on a "my_motor_scan" page, under a "scans" tab. This format mirrors
            how the file is stored on disk as well.

    display_name: str
    figures: Union[pn.Tabs, hv.Image, plt.Figure]

TaskResult dataclass

Class for storing the result of a Task's execution with metadata.

  • task_name (str) –

    Name of the associated task which produced it.

  • task_status (TaskStatus) –

    Status of associated task.

  • summary (str) –

    Short message/summary associated with the result.

  • payload (Any) –

    Actual result. May be data in any format.

  • impl_schemas (Optional[str]) –

    A string listing Task schemas implemented by the associated Task. Schemas define the category and expected output of the Task. An individual task may implement/conform to multiple schemas. Multiple schemas are separated by ';', e.g. * impl_schemas = "schema1;schema2"

Source code in lute/tasks/
class TaskResult:
    """Class for storing the result of a Task's execution with metadata.

        task_name (str): Name of the associated task which produced it.

        task_status (TaskStatus): Status of associated task.

        summary (str): Short message/summary associated with the result.

        payload (Any): Actual result. May be data in any format.

        impl_schemas (Optional[str]): A string listing `Task` schemas implemented
            by the associated `Task`. Schemas define the category and expected
            output of the `Task`. An individual task may implement/conform to
            multiple schemas. Multiple schemas are separated by ';', e.g.
                * impl_schemas = "schema1;schema2"

    task_name: str
    task_status: TaskStatus
    summary: str
    payload: Any
    impl_schemas: Optional[str] = None


Bases: Enum

Possible Task statuses.

Source code in lute/tasks/
class TaskStatus(Enum):
    """Possible Task statuses."""

    PENDING = 0
    Task has yet to run. Is Queued, or waiting for prior tasks.
    RUNNING = 1
    Task is in the process of execution.
    Task has completed without fatal errors.
    FAILED = 3
    Task encountered a fatal error.
    STOPPED = 4
    Task was, potentially temporarily, stopped/suspended.
    Task was cancelled prior to completion or failure.
    TIMEDOUT = 6
    Task did not reach completion due to timeout.

CANCELLED = 5 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task was cancelled prior to completion or failure.

COMPLETED = 2 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task has completed without fatal errors.

FAILED = 3 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task encountered a fatal error.

PENDING = 0 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task has yet to run. Is Queued, or waiting for prior tasks.

RUNNING = 1 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task is in the process of execution.

STOPPED = 4 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task was, potentially temporarily, stopped/suspended.

TIMEDOUT = 6 class-attribute instance-attribute

Task did not reach completion due to timeout.