LUTE Managed Tasks.

Executor-managed Tasks with specific environment specifications are defined here.

BinaryErrTester = Executor('TestBinaryErr') module-attribute

Runs a test of a third-party task that fails.

BinaryTester: Executor = Executor('TestBinary') module-attribute

Runs a basic test of a multi-threaded third-party Task.

CrystFELIndexer: Executor = Executor('IndexCrystFEL') module-attribute

Runs crystallographic indexing using CrystFEL.

DimpleSolver: Executor = Executor('DimpleSolve') module-attribute

Solves a crystallographic structure using molecular replacement.

HKLComparer: Executor = Executor('CompareHKL') module-attribute

Runs analysis on merge results for statistics/figures of merit..

HKLManipulator: Executor = Executor('ManipulateHKL') module-attribute

Performs format conversions (among other things) of merge results.

PartialatorMerger: Executor = Executor('MergePartialator') module-attribute

Runs crystallographic merging using CrystFEL's partialator.

PeakFinderPsocake: Executor = Executor('FindPeaksPsocake') module-attribute

Performs Bragg peak finding using psocake - DEPRECATED.

PeakFinderPyAlgos: MPIExecutor = MPIExecutor('FindPeaksPyAlgos') module-attribute

Performs Bragg peak finding using the PyAlgos algorithm.

ReadTester: Executor = Executor('TestReadOutput') module-attribute

Runs a test to confirm database reading.

SHELXCRunner: Executor = Executor('RunSHELXC') module-attribute

Runs CCP4 SHELXC - needed for crystallographic phasing.

SmallDataProducer: Executor = Executor('SubmitSMD') module-attribute

Runs the production of a smalldata HDF5 file.

SocketTester: Executor = Executor('TestSocket') module-attribute

Runs a test of socket-based communication.

StreamFileConcatenator: Executor = Executor('ConcatenateStreamFiles') module-attribute

Concatenates results from crystallographic indexing of multiple runs.

Tester: Executor = Executor('Test') module-attribute

Runs a basic test of a first-party Task.

WriteTester: Executor = Executor('TestWriteOutput') module-attribute

Runs a test to confirm database writing.