
Bases: ThirdPartyParameters

Parameters for crystallographic (Bragg) peak finding using Psocake.

This peak finding Task optionally has the ability to compress/decompress data with SZ for the purpose of compression validation. NOTE: This Task is deprecated and provided for compatibility only.

Source code in lute/io/models/
class FindPeaksPsocakeParameters(ThirdPartyParameters):
    """Parameters for crystallographic (Bragg) peak finding using Psocake.

    This peak finding Task optionally has the ability to compress/decompress
    data with SZ for the purpose of compression validation.
    NOTE: This Task is deprecated and provided for compatibility only.

    class Config(TaskParameters.Config):
        set_result: bool = True
        """Whether the Executor should mark a specified parameter as a result."""

        result_from_params: str = ""
        """Defines a result from the parameters. Use a validator to do so."""

    class SZParameters(BaseModel):
        compressor: Literal["qoz", "sz3"] = Field(
            "qoz", description="SZ compression algorithm (qoz, sz3)"
        binSize: int = Field(2, description="SZ compression's bin size paramater")
        roiWindowSize: int = Field(
            2, description="SZ compression's ROI window size paramater"
        absError: float = Field(10, descriptionp="Maximum absolute error value")

    executable: str = Field("mpirun", description="MPI executable.", flag_type="")
    np: PositiveInt = Field(
        max(int(os.environ.get("SLURM_NPROCS", len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)))) - 1, 1),
        description="Number of processes",
    mca: str = Field(
        "btl ^openib", description="Mca option for the MPI executable", flag_type="--"
    p_arg1: str = Field(
        "python", description="Executable to run with mpi (i.e. python).", flag_type=""
    u: str = Field(
        "", description="Python option for unbuffered output.", flag_type="-"
    p_arg2: str = Field(
        description="Executable to run with mpi (i.e. python).",
    d: str = Field(description="Detector name", flag_type="-")
    e: str = Field("", description="Experiment name", flag_type="-")
    r: int = Field(-1, description="Run number", flag_type="-")
    outDir: str = Field(
        description="Output directory where .cxi will be saved", flag_type="--"
    algorithm: int = Field(1, description="PyAlgos algorithm to use", flag_type="--")
    alg_npix_min: float = Field(
        1.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's npix_min parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg_npix_max: float = Field(
        45.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's npix_max parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg_amax_thr: float = Field(
        250.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's amax_thr parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg_atot_thr: float = Field(
        330.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's atot_thr parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg_son_min: float = Field(
        10.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's son_min parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg1_thr_low: float = Field(
        80.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's thr_low parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg1_thr_high: float = Field(
        270.0, description="PyAlgos algorithm's thr_high parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg1_rank: int = Field(
        3, description="PyAlgos algorithm's rank parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg1_radius: int = Field(
        3, description="PyAlgos algorithm's radius parameter", flag_type="--"
    alg1_dr: int = Field(
        1, description="PyAlgos algorithm's dr parameter", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_on: str = Field(
        "True", description="Whether psana's mask should be used", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_calib: str = Field(
        "True", description="Psana mask's calib parameter", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_status: str = Field(
        "True", description="Psana mask's status parameter", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_edges: str = Field(
        "True", description="Psana mask's edges parameter", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_central: str = Field(
        "True", description="Psana mask's central parameter", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_unbond: str = Field(
        "True", description="Psana mask's unbond parameter", flag_type="--"
    psanaMask_unbondnrs: str = Field(
        "True", description="Psana mask's unbondnbrs parameter", flag_type="--"
    mask: str = Field(
        "", description="Path to an additional mask to apply", flag_type="--"
    clen: str = Field(
        description="Epics variable storing the camera length", flag_type="--"
    coffset: float = Field(0, description="Camera offset in m", flag_type="--")
    minPeaks: int = Field(
        description="Minimum number of peaks to mark frame for indexing",
    maxPeaks: int = Field(
        description="Maximum number of peaks to mark frame for indexing",
    minRes: int = Field(
        description="Minimum peak resolution to mark frame for indexing ",
    sample: str = Field("", description="Sample name", flag_type="--")
    instrument: Union[None, str] = Field(
        None, description="Instrument name", flag_type="--"
    pixelSize: float = Field(0.0, description="Pixel size", flag_type="--")
    auto: str = Field(
            "Whether to automatically determine peak per event peak "
            "finding parameters"
    detectorDistance: float = Field(
        0.0, description="Detector distance from interaction point in m", flag_type="--"
    access: Literal["ana", "ffb"] = Field(
        "ana", description="Data node type: {ana,ffb}", flag_type="--"
    szfile: str = Field("qoz.json", description="Path to SZ's JSON configuration file")
    lute_template_cfg: TemplateConfig = Field(
            output_path="",  # Will want to change where this goes...
        description="Template information for the sz.json file",
    sz_parameters: SZParameters = Field(
        description="Configuration parameters for SZ Compression", flag_type=""

    @validator("e", always=True)
    def validate_e(cls, e: str, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        if e == "":
            return values["lute_config"].experiment
        return e

    @validator("r", always=True)
    def validate_r(cls, r: int, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> int:
        if r == -1:
            return values["lute_config"].run
        return r

    @validator("lute_template_cfg", always=True)
    def set_output_path(
        cls, lute_template_cfg: TemplateConfig, values: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> TemplateConfig:
        if lute_template_cfg.output_path == "":
            lute_template_cfg.output_path = values["szfile"]
        return lute_template_cfg

    @validator("sz_parameters", always=True)
    def set_sz_compression_parameters(
        cls, sz_parameters: SZParameters, values: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> None:
        values["compressor"] = sz_parameters.compressor
        values["binSize"] = sz_parameters.binSize
        values["roiWindowSize"] = sz_parameters.roiWindowSize
        if sz_parameters.compressor == "qoz":
            values["pressio_opts"] = {
                "pressio:abs": sz_parameters.absError,
                "qoz": {"qoz:stride": 8},
            values["pressio_opts"] = {"pressio:abs": sz_parameters.absError}
        return None

    def define_result(cls, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        exp: str = values["lute_config"].experiment
        run: int = int(values["lute_config"].run)
        directory: str = values["outDir"]
        fname: str = f"{exp}_{run:04d}.lst"

        cls.Config.result_from_params = f"{directory}/{fname}"
        return values


Bases: Config

Source code in lute/io/models/
class Config(TaskParameters.Config):
    set_result: bool = True
    """Whether the Executor should mark a specified parameter as a result."""

    result_from_params: str = ""
    """Defines a result from the parameters. Use a validator to do so."""

result_from_params: str = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

Defines a result from the parameters. Use a validator to do so.

set_result: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether the Executor should mark a specified parameter as a result.


Bases: TaskParameters

Parameters for crystallographic (Bragg) peak finding using PyAlgos.

This peak finding Task optionally has the ability to compress/decompress data with SZ for the purpose of compression validation.

Source code in lute/io/models/
class FindPeaksPyAlgosParameters(TaskParameters):
    """Parameters for crystallographic (Bragg) peak finding using PyAlgos.

    This peak finding Task optionally has the ability to compress/decompress
    data with SZ for the purpose of compression validation.

    class Config(TaskParameters.Config):
        set_result: bool = True
        """Whether the Executor should mark a specified parameter as a result."""

    class SZCompressorParameters(BaseModel):
        compressor: Literal["qoz", "sz3"] = Field(
            "qoz", description='Compression algorithm ("qoz" or "sz3")'
        abs_error: float = Field(10.0, description="Absolute error bound")
        bin_size: int = Field(2, description="Bin size")
        roi_window_size: int = Field(
            description="Default window size",

    outdir: str = Field(
        description="Output directory for cxi files",
    n_events: int = Field(
        description="Number of events to process (0 to process all events)",
    det_name: str = Field(
        description="Psana name of the detector storing the image data",
    event_receiver: Literal["evr0", "evr1"] = Field(
        description="Event Receiver to be used: evr0 or evr1",
    tag: str = Field(
        description="Tag to add to the output file names",
    pv_camera_length: Union[str, float] = Field(
        description="PV associated with camera length "
        "(if a number, camera length directly)",
    event_logic: bool = Field(
        description="True if only events with a specific event code should be "
        "processed. False if the event code should be ignored",
    event_code: int = Field(
        description="Required events code for events to be processed if event logic "
        "is True",
    psana_mask: bool = Field(
        description="If True, apply mask from psana Detector object",
    mask_file: Union[str, None] = Field(
        description="File with a custom mask to apply. If None, no custom mask is "
    min_peaks: int = Field(2, description="Minimum number of peaks per image")
    max_peaks: int = Field(
        description="Maximum number of peaks per image",
    npix_min: int = Field(
        description="Minimum number of pixels per peak",
    npix_max: int = Field(
        description="Maximum number of pixels per peak",
    amax_thr: float = Field(
        description="Minimum intensity threshold for starting a peak",
    atot_thr: float = Field(
        description="Minimum summed intensity threshold for pixel collection",
    son_min: float = Field(
        description="Minimum signal-to-noise ratio to be considered a peak",
    peak_rank: int = Field(
        description="Radius in which central peak pixel is a local maximum",
    r0: float = Field(
        description="Radius of ring for background evaluation in pixels",
    dr: float = Field(
        description="Width of ring for background evaluation in pixels",
    nsigm: float = Field(
        description="Intensity threshold to include pixel in connected group",
    compression: Optional[SZCompressorParameters] = Field(
        description="Options for the SZ Compression Algorithm",
    out_file: str = Field(
        description="Path to output file.",

    @validator("out_file", always=True)
    def validate_out_file(cls, out_file: str, values: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        if out_file == "":
            fname: Path = (
                / f"{values['lute_config'].experiment}_{values['lute_config'].run}_"
            return str(fname)
        return out_file


Bases: Config

Source code in lute/io/models/
class Config(TaskParameters.Config):
    set_result: bool = True
    """Whether the Executor should mark a specified parameter as a result."""

set_result: bool = True class-attribute instance-attribute

Whether the Executor should mark a specified parameter as a result.